Which pages get the most traffic? Which pages Phone Number List to the most ecommerce conversions (i.e. sales) Are any pages underperforming in previous years? Log in to Google Analytics and go to Acquisitions > All Traffic > Channels. Watch Phone Number List website conversion rates from October 1 , 2017 until the end of February 2018. Google Analytics Christmas Data For this particular site, you can see how conversion rates accelerated throughout Phone Number List and December, highlighting some key shopping dates.
The next step is to leverage this data Phone Number List your marketing campaigns. It's crucial to make sure you're targeting the right keywords that will drive the most relevant traffic to your website. There are many keyword research Phone Number List you can use to help you determine the best terms to optimize your pages. After choosing your target keywords, you need to implement these keywords on the relevant pages of your website. You can also use the data previously identified in Google Analytics to help decide which pages to focus your optimization efforts on. Optimized for Phone Number List devices As we've seen before, the trend for buying with handheld devices is changing, so you need to make sure your website is mobile-optimized.
More consumers than ever are browsing Phone Number List from their handheld devices. They compare prices, review products and complete the full purchase. According to eMarketer, nearly 60% of digital buyers in the UK will buy from a Phone Number List this year. If you haven't already, make sure your ecommerce site is responsive or mobile-first so you can effectively meet consumer expectations. Prepare your marketing communications So, you've got your booth set up and your e-commerce website ready for Christmas. You've done your research, optimized Phone Number List for search and mobile, and it's time to start selling. Now is the time to start telling people about it. Here are some tips by channel.